Sunday, December 30, 2007

Crazy 2007

2007 was a year of changes, good and bad. However, even if they were bad I tried my hardest to turn them into positives. In January I started my fellowship at ICI which I just successfully completed. The product of my hard work is a guide entitled "An Accessibility Guide to Community Technology Centers in Massachusetts " .I also worked on an accessibility brochure for UMass called "Accessibility Services for UMB Students" It was quite an experience to work on an entire guide by myself but now I know that I can do it. In the midst of my fellowship I somehow managed to graduate from college and obtain a Student Leadership Award. Before I went to CPCS I didn't know that I had a leadership skills in me. But one professor made me see that I actually did and her name is Lorna Rivera. I will always be grateful for her teaching methods which made me realize that I really am smart, I just learn differently than most people. Also, for believing in me when I didn't. Graduating from college was not an easy fete for me but it's something.

Before I graduated though, I discovered that I had diabetes :(. It was about a month before the end of the semester and I was really stressed out. I was also feeling like crap too. It got to be so bad that I ended up going to the emergency room were I told them my symptoms and they tested my blood sugar, which they found out was 530. And if you know anything about blood sugar numbers you know that is really, really bad! If I had waited any longer I probably could have slipped into a diabetic coma. Anyways they gave me some insulin, I started taking medicine and I had to change my diet big time. No more sugary products, especially not chocolate, which is my absolute fav! It was hard at first to adjust to the new diet, however once I got into the swing of things I realized that I didn't have to make drastic changes just little ones. For instance, diet soda instead of regular, splenda instead of regular sugar (and let me tell you there's a bunch of yummy products that they make now with splenda instead of regular sugar), wheat bread instead of white bread and finally I can have chocolate (and not that sugar-free crap either) I just can't eat it everyday. I also lost 20 pounds in the process so it's actually not all bad. Yeah I have to take a million different kinds of medicines and my fingers look like pin cushions now but at least I'm eating healthier.

I also went to Vermont in August with my sweetie for our 2nd anniversary. It was so beautiful and the B&B that we stayed in was so romantic. I also started planning for the wedding, picked out my gorgeous wedding dress and since we're doing an Irish themed wedding I got to find out more about my ancestry, which I will be writing about more in the future.

The very last thing we did in 2007 was move into our own apartment. I love that we have our own place now and I don't have to go up and down a million stairs either! The last couple of weeks of 2007 really reflected how crazy this year was. Between fellowships, internships, graduating, diabetes, traveling and finally moving. It's no wonder why my fiancee and I fell asleep before we even got to see the ball drop on new years eve. It was a crazy year and I think that 2008 will be filled with more crazy new things. Like starting a new job, getting married, going to Ireland on our honeymoon and hopefully getting excepted to graduate school. It's a really exciting time and I'm just happy that I get to experience all of it with my best friend and true love.

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